What are the Best Jobs for People with Social Anxiety?

Presentations. Meetings. Networking events. If you have social anxiety, just the thought of these scenarios probably makes you shudder. How about sales pitches? Or cold calling? The horror! As a social anxiety sufferer, being forced into these situations can lead to stress and sleepless nights. While most people dislike public speaking or meetings, social anxiety […]

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Are People With Social Anxiety “Weak Minded?”

One of my favourite quotes is from Albert Camus, a French philosopher: “Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.” It neatly sums up the frustration with social anxiety: you have a very real, very serious anxiety that greatly affects your life…but your efforts to hide it make people think there’s nothing […]

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Why “Stop Caring What People Think” Is Terrible Advice If You Have Social Anxiety

Imagine a man walks into a doctor’s office complaining of knee pain. The doctor listens intently to his problems and symptoms. Then, after carefully considering the potential causes, he tells the patient: “My best advice to you is…stop having knee pain.” And the patient replies “ah, great idea! Thanks for your help!” Sounds crazy, right? […]

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How to Stop Feeling “Boring” In Conversations

Do you believe you’re a fundamentally boring person? If you have social anxiety it might seem logical to assume this. Everyone else seems to find talking easy, while you struggle to think of anything to say (let alone something interesting). But where does this feeling of being really “boring” come from? And is it true? This feeling is actually a more […]

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